Benefit for Butch Imoberstag
From Stan and Sandy Hedges. If you can help, please email them at this address:
As most of you know; our friend Butch Imoberstag is terminally ill with Cancer, and as of today is barely hanging on.
Butch’s family is having a very rough time and they need our help.
We have organized a benefit for Butch and his family, and hope that all of you will attend!
Sunday Feb. 20th at 2:00 pm
O.H. Bernard Community Center
Entertainment: Most of the entertainment will be acoustic, for a reason. We want people to be able to visit and listen.
Joan Jacobs & Daniel Bey
James Nihan (famous singer songwriter)
Stan The Man & Chicago Charlie with The Mighty Rib-Bones Acoustic and electric
Miranda Louise –Great Blues Artist, Singer
Alice Martin
Dylan Hedges (my son, who is a great singer songwriter)
We hope to hear back from: Among others
Summer Boyd
David Dansby
Woody Woodruff
Damon Wherry
Edna Mcgirt
The Forresters
The Grinders Switch Skillet Lickers
We also need help! We need to delegate several tasks that need to be tackled. For instance we need Posters distributed around the county, We need someone to organize a Bake Sale, a Cake Walk, A silent Auction (filled), a bank account for the proceeds for Vicky Imoberstag (Butch’s Wife), etc…
If you have any ideas to raise money for Butch and family please let us know, we are new to this!
We aslo need drinks for the crowd. coffee, bottled water, soft drinks, ice. The community center has refrigerators.
We need nice items to auction: Art, Electronics, Crafts, etc…
I have organized the musical entertainment for the day, the venue, have had Brad run an article in the paper, and I’m still working on more entertainment and the time slots.
If you want to help, or have items you would like to donate for auction please call me at 729-9812 or email me back on this address.
All that want to help will need to meet me at the Bernard Center at least by noon on Sun., before the show.
Please help us spread the news, so we can help this wonderful family that means so much to all of us!
Stan and Sandy Hedges 931-729-9812
I would like to donate a Mary Kay body care set for the auction. Could someone pick it up at the office @Centerville Elementary the end of next week? I will have it wrapped in clear cellophane and ready if you can let me know what day you could pick it up. I will share this with the staff & faculty of CES where Vicki was working before Butch became sick.
Thank you Cindy! I am forwarding this message on to Stan and Sandy.